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Welcome to

your journey towards less waste

Kia ora! We are so stoked to have you here, curious about reducing waste at your place and saving yourself some $$ too. The whanau at Xtreme have come together to create this online course sharing our tips and recommendations for the Raglan community and beyond. Raglan currently sits at 78-80% diversion from landfill so we ask the question… 

What’s your 20%?

Join us on this collective journey to putting less stuff in the ground and doing what we can to Rethink, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Recompose & Recycle – all the “Re” words to try before we get to landfilling.

Course Overview

Over 6 weeks we will guide you through the various steps of the Waste Hierarchy. Each week you’ll receive an email from us inviting you back to this course page with a new set of helpful resources available for you.

  • Weekly video recordings from the Xtreme Team.
  • Downloadable templates & resources
  • Quizzes to play

Do the mahi, get the treats – We’ll be sending out gifts for those who complete this course journey with us.

join us in working towards less waste

start your journey!

Follow the link below to sign up to saving $$ (yes please!) and saving space in Papatūānuku (ngā mihi!