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Plastic Free

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Plastic Free Raglan

Plastic Free Raglan evolved from award winning Plastic Bag Free Raglan. A community-led initiative achieving ~ 95% reduction in plastic shopping bags from ~ 94% of our businesses. Inspiring much of our community to Remember our Reusable shopping bags.

To reduce more waste from our local environment – Plastic Free Raglan’s mission was then to create a single-use free Raglan. Beginning by reducing single-use takeaway food packaging like – cups, containers, cutlery, straws and water bottles. We aim to enable reusable habits and replace single-use habits within our community.

Ugli Mug Library
Whats happening

We have partnered with nearly all hospitality businesses in town to promote the Reusable Raglan kaupapa, offer reusables to borrow from Ugli-mug libraries around town. We also partnered with a variety of Accommodation options with reusable cups available for guests to borrow if they’ve forgotten their own keep cup when they come to stay in Whaingaroa.

Moving forward the Plastic Free Raglan project aims to tackle that remaining 20% we need to divert from landfill. Waste audits have shown us that the majority from pre-paid bags and street bins is kai packaging. We want to work with families and flats beginning their journey towards zero waste in a long term supportive programme – more info to come –
watch this space!

How we make this happen

Working with our Community