New Processing

Whats happening


Xtreme Zero Waste is constructing a new waste processing facility with funding from the Ministry for the Environment (MfE). This facility will house new equipment to process the steadily increasing amount of recyclable product produced by a growing population of Raglan.  Since the establishment of XZW 22 years ago, we’ve seen increases in many waste streams.



Volumetric Percentage Increase  







Kahu’s Nest (reusable product) 


Collecting and processing community recycling is a labour intensive job. In summer the crew are out there working from 8am till dark. The new processing building is not to replace our valued team members with machines, but to support their load, lift their working conditions on site, and automate processes to better handle the growing volumes predicted.


“We’ve been looking forward to this for some time, and we can’t wait to use the new equipment!” says Kaleb Kingi, Processing Manager.


The collections crew have been involved in the design process to share their requests and feedback on ideas. The new building will house new processing equipment, including a 10m conveyor belt sorting line, with magnets to capture steel (tin cans), a new baler which compresses the recyclables into cubes (for example: 40 wool fadges squish down to 1 cubic metre of #2 milk bottles). All processing will be undercover, providing shelter and shade for the team and the premium recyclable products we process. 


Demonstrating best industry practice for product stewardship is also a priority for us, and maximising diversion of waste product. We are aware of the growth of population in Raglan, and we also look to the future of a national Container Deposit Scheme (CDS). As soon as CDS is rolled out from government, then Xtreme is ready to go! 


 This building is part of the greater vision of Xtreme as a Centre of Excellence. We want to be an inspiration to visit and to exhibit industry best practice in everything we do. We are focused on quality of product and building resilient NZ markets and circular economies.

Being a Centre of Excellence means offering our staff the opportunity to grow in their roles through training, mentoring and providing experiences. And to be an inspirational place to host and mentor other community groups, Councils and Corporates to establish zero waste programmes.

Keep a look out for the new building going up, currently there’s a very patient concrete slab waiting, just beyond the recycling drop off bay area. 

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