It’s 12:41 PMWe’re open!

Raglan Community



What day is your kerbside collection?

Kerbside Collection Days are 4 days per week: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

Recycling crates, food scrap containment, and prepaid rubbish bags should be placed on kerbside by 8.00 am.

Use the search bar below by typing in your street name. It will find your kerbside collection day so you can be prepared when it’s your turn. Or use the interactive map below to see your location by day.

Enter your street name below

All Rangitangi collections are on Wednesday – Māwhero zone. 

Hills Rd lower end, from beginning of gravel to road end, collection day is on Thursday – placed at kerbside by 7.00am. 

Use the hover map to find your location

Xtreme Zero Collection Days

Xtreme Zero Collection Days
Kākāriki zone, collected on Tuesday Māwhero zone, collected on Wednesday Karaka zone, collected on Thursday Kōwhai zone, collected on Friday

Kākāriki zone, collected on Tuesday

Kākāriki zone, collected on Tuesday

Māwhero zone, collected on Wednesday

Karaka zone, collected on Thursday

Kōwhai zone, collected on Friday


Get Your Bins Right

A complete kerbside collection kit for your whare includes 2 recycling crates, a food scrap bin and kitchen caddy, and if you’re landfilling, using either a blue or green prepaid landfill bag. If you’re building a new home you can get your recycling crates and food scrap containment from the council building / library in town at 7 Bow St. We have 3 trucks that service the kerbside collection and each crew collects different items for their truck. So if you see a truck come by and there’s something left behind, kei te pai!

kerbside resources xtreme zero

Use the official green recycling crates only for kerbside recycling. Maximum 2 crates per household, write your address on your crate/s to save them going walking next door, and leave them if moving home.

  1. The first crate is for glass bottles and jars only.
  2. The other is for plastics #1, #2, #5 and aluminium and tin cans.
  3. Cardboard and paper flattened and contained (e.g. in a box next to crates) and no bigger than a crate.
Food Scraps

Every week put your green 20 litre bin on the kerbside with the handle in an upward locked position. Only use the Xtreme Zero Waste starch bags to contain food scraps, no other “eco” bags.

Place the note inside your pack of bags sticking out from under the lid of your kerbside bin on collection day. Or write your own note if needed. Our team will see the note and leave you a new pack of compostable bags. 

If you miss collection day, bags can also be collected from Kaahu’s Nest.


Prepaid blue or green bags can be purchased from local retail outlets. Please put bags out to the kerb away from bushes, or vehicles. Think about the whānau collecting, and keep bags hazard free: wrap broken glass, and dispose of any medical equipment (needles etc) at Raglan Pharmacy. Maximum weight of bags is 15kg.

*Everyone can come on up to our site to drop off any household recycling and prepaid bags, for free.


What can go into your Kerbside collection?

Residental kerbside visual (1)


glass recycling infographic

One of your green crates is for glass jars and bottles with all lids removed. Lids are too small be collected at the kerbside, bring your collection to recycle at our site at the Recycle Wall.

Your second green crate is for plastics #1, #2, #5 and aluminium and tin cans.

squashed cans for recycling

Squash your cans before adding to your recycling bin to save space!

flattened cardboard for recycling

Flatten your cardboard, and tie or contain paper in a box so it doesn’t blow away.

Green wast recycling - what to add

Always use our Xtreme cornstarch bags for unavoidable food scraps veggie and fruit scraps, bread, rice, pasta, egg shells, dairy products, bones, meat, rice, coffee grinds and meal left overs.

wrap broken glass

Wrap broken glass in a thick layer of paper and place it in the middle of your prepaid rubbish bag. 


Recycling Practice Xtreme Zero Waste

Don’t put broken glass, windows, kitchen pyrex, or drinking glasses (or your reading glasses) in the glass crate. Windows, kitchen pyrex and drinking glasses are a different type to glass jars and bottles and can’t be recycled.

dirty container recycling
Don’t put dirty containers in your recycling bins. Wash and squash all your recycling.

Don’t put recycling out in cardboard boxes, they can get soggy and rip when our whānau grab them.

lift handle on green waste - to do green waste

Don’t forget to raise the handle on your green waste bin when you put it on the kerbside! 

Green Bins infographic - do not add

Don’t add cooking oil or liquid food, fish, plastic packaging, fruit stickers, cigarette buts, garden waste, tissues, sanitary items or bread tags into your food waste bin.

Rubbish bag maximum weight illustration

Don’t fill rubbish bags above their maximum weight of 15kgs. 

Do separately collect 

  • Plastic and metal lids
  • Clean clear stretchy soft plastic film (like cling wrap)
  • Empty aerosol cans
  • Clean aluminium tinfoil and baking dishes


These items can’t go into kerbside recycling but can be recycled if dropped off at the Recycle Wall at our site. Set up an icecream tub under your sink or next to your crates where you’ll remember. 

Still have questions?

Get In Touch

If you have any more questions or concerns please get in touch with us and one of the team will get back to you ASAP.