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Nau Mai, Haere Mai, ​

KiXtreme Zero Waste

About Xtreme zero waste

Zero Waste is Our Future

Zero waste is our past and our future. The Whāingaroa community zero waste programme has been working hard for the last 24 years to achieve a 75-80% diversion of waste from landfill. Lets work collectively to achieve the last 20-25%.

OUR Vision

A World without waste

Our Mission

Whaingaroa achieving zero waste and inspiring communities to act

Sponsors and Supporters

Thank Your To All Our Current Supporters

Nga Mihi Nui To All Our current Supporters, Donors, And Funding Partners.
Below are some of our trusted partners who make Zero Waste possible.


We wouldn’t be able to be Xtreme Zero Waste without the aroha and epic mahi from this entire community. Thank YOU for working with us, washing and squashing, sorting your loads, shopping with us, and putting in the extra efforts to choose to reuse.

Here’s some of our Xtreme milestones and highlights over the past 24 years.

The beginning
Growth Phase

The Beginning

1950’s | Landfill established at Te Hutewai Rd 1997 |Lions Club monthly kerbside paper & card collections begins 1998 | Landfill closed and Refuse transfer station established 1999 | Local education trust Whakanaua-te-Aio manage greenwaste and take over the

Growth Phase

2000 | Xtreme Zero Waste established by and WDC supports with 3 year contract. 2002 | Diversion from landfill hits 70% 2005 Woodyard is built. 2006 | We win a National Green Ribbon Award 2007 | Negotiate 7 year contract with WDC, and begin education in schools programme 2009 | Street bins introduced, employment of 28 staff, and annual turnover hits $1mill. 2010 | Diversion from landfill reaches 76%, 6500 trees planted on site thanks to WDC, Liz receives funding for organics feasibility. Xman arrives and our education in schools programme begins. 2012 | Site upgrade and Diversion from landfill hits 78%.


2017 | Food waste collection service begins!
2018 | Expanding our schools education programme to include Waikato District schools AND now Waipa district schools with Xman and LadyX. Kahu’s Nest expansion, now double in size.
2019 | Schick gave us a digger with ongoing maintenance & repair. Plastic Free Raglan project taken over from WEC & Plastic Bag Free Raglan success.
2020 | We join the Waikato Wellbeing project: We are a manutaki for SDG 12: Sustainable production & consumption. Our team grows to over 40 staff and we survive through covid times.
2021 | Successful application to Ministry of Environment to build a new processing
plant. Collaboration with Auckland Council on design and roll out of 21 Resource Recovery centre’s across Tāmaki Makaurau.
2022 | WDC includes food waste kerbside collection in targeted rates. Xtreme get a website upgrade. 2023 | Merge with Whāingaroa Environment Centre.

early-days xtreme zero waste
The beginning
  • 1950’s | Landfill established at Te Hutewai Rd 1997 | Lions Club monthly kerbside paper & card collections begins
  • 1998 | Landfill closed and Refuse transfer station established
  • 1999 | Local education trust Whakanaua-te-Aio manage greenwaste and take over the
growth_phase xtreme Zero
Growth Phase
  • 2000 | Xtreme Zero Waste established by and WDC supports with 3 year contract. 2002 | Diversion from landfill hits 70% 2005 Woodyard is built.
  • 2006 | We win a National Green Ribbon Award 2007 | Negotiate 7 year contract with WDC, and begin education in schools programme
  • 2009 | Street bins introduced, employment of 28 staff, and annual turnover hits $1mill.
  • 2010 | Diversion from landfill reaches 76%, 6500 trees planted on site thanks to WDC, Liz receives funding for organics feasibility. Xman arrives and our education in schools programme begins.
  • 2012 | Site upgrade and Diversion from landfill hits 78%.
recently xtreme zero
  • 2017 | Food waste collection service begins! 2018 | Expanding our schools education programme to include Waikato District schools AND now Waipa district schools with Xman and LadyX. Kahu’s Nest expansion, now double in size.
  • 2019 | Schick gave us a digger with ongoing maintenance & repair. Plastic Free Raglan project taken over from WEC & Plastic Bag Free Raglan success.
  • 2020 | We join the Waikato Wellbeing project: We are a manutaki for SDG 12: Sustainable production & consumption. Our team grows to over 40 staff and we survive through covid times.
  • 2021 | Successful application to Ministry of Environment to build a new processing plant. Collaboration with Auckland Council on design and roll out of 21 Resource Recovery centre’s across Tamaki Makaurau.
  • 2022 | WDC includes food waste kerbside collection in targeted rates. Xtreme get a website upgrade.

Work For Xtreme Zero Waste

Being a part of the Xtreme Team means you’re a huge part of keeping Whāingaroa beautiful, clean and healthy. More than just a job on the way to the surf beach, working with us is physical and fun, with lots of local community interaction, and always with Papatūānuku in mind. We are a hardworking crew of 40 + humans, who care a lot about each other, and the environment around us. In our team there are always opportunities for leadership, growth, and innovation. School leavers get support in first employment like first aid training, drivers licenses, and other certifications.

We welcome you to join our whānau!

We're hiring

Kerbside Runner & Processor

Looking for an active and meaningful job? Join our collections crew!

 Dynamic role working across our local recycling and waste collections. 

Be a team player, able to work closely with the team on the truck collections runs and the onsite processing room.  

✅Be responsible following all health and safety practices to keep you safe on our vehicles and site.  

No vehicle or machinery operating skills required. 

✅ Fixed term role until 30th June 2025. Working 4 days a week, Tuesday – Friday. 

👉 To apply or for any questions, contact Nenya on or 022 073 8636